Pts Docs

This page provides detailed typescript/javascript API documentation of Pts.js. It's intended for advanced users.

If you're getting started, read the guides and check out the demos first.


Pts classes are organized into modules like this: Modules ⇢ Classes ⇢ Methods & Accessors.
For example, when using ES6 modules, you can access a Pts function this way:

import {Polygon} from "Op";
              Polygon.centroid( myPts );

If you don't know what this means, don't worry about it. You can also link pts.js in your html and access all the classes directly. See the getting started guide for a quick example.


Pts provides you with essential building blocks for creative coding and visualization.

  • Pt module provides Pt and Group classes for manipulating points (ie, n-dimensional vectors).
  • Op and Num modules provides various algorithms for numeric and geometric operations.
  • Canvas module provides the corresponding Space and Form classes for html canvas. SVG module provide the same for SVG.
  • Check out other useful modules like Create and Color